
A New Page

On this, the eve of my first day of graduate school to become a science teacher, I am feeling... Excited. Nervous. Old. Proud. I'm excited to be starting something new. Something for me that has nothing to do with the kids (besides the fact that, once I have a teaching gig, we will have a similar schedule). I love them more than anything and I have enjoyed staying home with them more than I ever could have guessed. But it will be great to be doing something that is not for or about my kids. I'm a little nervous because It has been twenty years since I graduated from college. Thirteen since I finished my coursework for my first Master's program (which I never finished). I'm not even sure how students take notes these days. Do they still use pen and paper or does everyone bring their laptop to class? I'll be showing up with my spiral notebooks and hoping I'm not too outdated. I am also unsure of what the workload will be like. Will I have a hard time b